jueves, 20 de marzo de 2014

Cool Astrology Videos to Check out for your Horoscope

Cool Astrology Videos to Check out for your Horoscope
The month of April is filled with tremendous shifts within the astrology world that can transmit waves of change and excitement towards us.
Despite if you might be Sagittarius you will have much to take into account or perhaps change for your personal improvement and good deal more joyful times.

The month of Aprilstarts out while the new moon begins to wax together with a strong Jupiter fueling the annual April fools day, This atmosphere reminds us to retain a great sense of humor and to look into the future by using confident anticipation.

April 2nd the Aries sun happens to be connected to wild and unpredictable Uranus; a once a year deal sending shock waves to shift our perspective from an aged viewpoint. The days carries on filled with intensity as the Sun is currently in a square positiion with. Pluto on the 3rd pushing for improvement. The end of the week begins with the Moon in conversational Gemini, giving a needed time out to sit back and have fun. Venus moves into Pisces on the 5th soothing harshness and asking to bring love and understanding to people and conditions that happen to be at odds to your viewpoint. Mercury rushes right into Aries at the 7th giving quick thinking even as Mercury speeds past Aries for 16 days.

At the 8th the Sun is opposite Mars, a get out of my way or else sign, lots of energy to face your current inner problems that stops you from everything you say you desire. Friday the 11th Venus conjoins Neptune when the moon is with Virgo; practical offer of love is showered around the individual you adore. The opposite sideis finding shortcoming with the particular person before of you as they can't ever live up to the ideal love that abides in the fantasy within your imagination. Pluto stations retrograde on the 14th, with Mercury conjunct Uranus; this is a incredibly strong occasion to meditate and envision.

The lunar eclipse
on the 15th emphasizes the necessity for peace and equilibrium in life. The happenings in your world will reveal back to you difficulties to unravel in order to move forward.

The Sun enters Taurus on the 19th, settling all of the wild and crazy vibration of the past 20 or so days. However Jupiter is square Uranus and exact opposite Uranus and Pluto are in a hard aspect to each other at ninety degrees which happens to be an unbelievable world energy of revolutionary proportions and in our individual life it informs you not to sell ourselves short of our personal goals and aspirations. Mercury enters Taurus on the 23rd lending to organized thinking to realize the ideas that had been set in motion. The vividness keeps going midweek as Mars is opposite Uranus and squares Pluto making emotions which have been inhibited to erupt like an delayed volcano.

The month ends with a Solar Eclipse at 9 degrees of Taurus setting the restart key for your new month and fresh new beginnings for May.

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